Download / Upload File

This option is used to download a file from the backend and save it to the system. You can upload a file from the system to the backend as well.


  1. Go to Actions > Download File. This displays the Download File dialog box.
Figure 100: Download File Dialog box

2. Click the Browse button. This displays the File Manager window.

Figure 101: File Manager Window
  1. Select the file from the table (by scrolling or by using the Search option). The selected file is displayed on the right panel of the window. Click OK button.  This displays the Download File box again with the pre-filled path of the selected file. Click the Download button to download the file to the system.
Figure 102: Download/Upload File Window

Create a New Folder

To create a new folder on the backend, go to the File Manager window, navigate to the directory where you need to create the folder, provide the folder name, and click the Create Folder button .

Figure 103: Create Folder Button


To upload a file from the system to the backend follow the below steps:

  1. Select the Upload File
Figure 104: Upload File Option

2. Browse for the location where you need to upload the file by clicking on the Browse button. This will open the File Manager window.

Figure 105: File Manager Window

3. In the file manager window, click the Upload button.  On clicking this button, the Upload Files dialog box appears.

Figure 106: Upload Files Dialog box

4. In the upload files dialog box, the user needs to select the file which they want to upload.

Note: The user can select the file from their local by clicking on the Choose  button. A user can select only the following types of files: Pem file, Certified file, etc.

5. Once the user has selected the required file, the user needs to click on the Upload button to upload the file.

Figure: 107

Note: Once the file is uploaded, a Success message will appear as shown below.

Figure 108: Success Message